Mount and blade siege tips
Mount and blade siege tips

mount and blade siege tips

Its first gift is concealment: our true faces lie in the dark beneath our skins, our true hearts remain shadowed deeper still. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets, We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,

mount and blade siege tips mount and blade siege tips mount and blade siege tips

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes I am the ghost, that hides in the night. If on a ledge you and melee men hold the wall and let missiles rain death but a tower works better because if you hold the door the enemy has no choice but to fight you head on just 2-3 men at a time so it can take a long time but ull cut them to shreds. Your always outnumbered but a lot of the enemy are lower teir men so just find a good place where you can funnel them into your men in small numbers and let superior quality decide the issue for you.īest option is look for the ledge on the walll where enemy missile units are or a tower. I dont think ive ever lost more then about 1/3 of my army in a battle and ive fought battles of 75 against 600 on Hard difficulty its just a simple matter of picking the right spot to fight in. Ive had 5-6 times when the enemy has wiped out my bows but if it comes down to it ill fall back with my guard and just hold the stairs where i can force the enemy to figt me 2-3 at a time and eventually ill either kill them all off or my riflemen run out of ammo pull there pikes and charge the enemy and cut them to shreds. I only have about 1/4 of my total army as these men so once its taken a few losses the second wave is always swedish riflemen the bowmen hold the enemy back rifles take to the tower and fight ends as the rifles steadily pick off the enemies behind the frontline and the bowmen drive them in. I can normally kill off close to 1/3 - 1/2 the enemy defenders before i run out of arrows my guard or whats left of it holds the bottom of the stairs and once out of arrows the bowmen charge. They have shields and short blunt weapons so they work great as a first wave to just punch a hole then once there holding the top of the wall i push to the nearest tower with my personal guard ( unique characters ) once its taken my guard charge the bowmen fall back to the tower and just rain arrows onto the enemy. Ive always had about 1/4 as many men as the enemy and my very worst siege 1/3 of them were lost.

Mount and blade siege tips